Video Review: Does The 60 Second Pomegranate Deseeder Work?

Beth’s on a roll with finding silly, single-use kitchen gadgets for me to test. She gave me this 60 Second Pomegranate Deseeder along with a pomegranate.


When I mentioned that I was going to test this gadget out on Twitter, the company POM suggested a method in which one deseeds the fruit in a bowl of water. I test both of these methods in my newest video review (2.5 minutes long).

JeniEats Reviews: 60 Second Pomegranate Deseeder from Jeni Flaa on Vimeo.

Kate of Flock of Broads recommended this ten second method. The steps include slicing a pomegranate half, scoring the sides, and loosening the seeds before flipping it upside down and banging on the exterior.

Concluding Thoughts:
A hybrid method could work well if one followed this process and then placed the pomegranate on the 60 Second Deseeder. The main problem with the Deseeder gadget is that it does not instruct users to loosen up the seeds. Obviously, simply scoring the halves of fruit is not effective enough for seed removal. Plus, it costs anywhere from $5-$18.

Deseeding the pomegranate in a bowl of water works very well for the most part. The seeds slide out of the shell and the white pith floats to the top of the bowl. However, the seeds are soaking wet. If you don’t dry off the seeds before packing them in the fridge, they’ll become mushy and start to decompose within a couple of days.


Do you have any tips for deseeding pomegranates?  


  1. Katy Flint

    I seriously love your videos! The music when whacking the pomegranate was perfect! I think you found your niche!

  2. Beth Ann Chiles

    Loved the music selection for thumping!!!!! I showed my mom and brother your video and they had a lot of suggestions but none that would be helpful.

  3. Laura Weers

    I loved your video.

  4. Donna Hup

    I love these video reviews. My favorite was the sped up whacking of the pomegranate lol.

  5. Jessica

    I just got the deseeder last night and it worked great. I found that the score lines needed to be deeper and I took a heavy metal ice cream scoop to thump. You have to thump the sides all the way around first and then thump the top, strong hard thumps. I got all the seeds out with no problem and it took about 60 seconds too. This was my first time ever purchasing a pomegranate and deseeding and it was awesome!

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