Tag: Vegetarian (Page 1 of 3)

Simple Sautéed Cabbage With Balsamic Vinegar: Take Two

I wrote this simple recipe for Simple Sautéed Cabbage With Balsamic Vinegar nine years ago!

There’s not much to the post, the recipe details are sparse, and the photo is just ok. Yet, it remains one of the most popular posts to this day.

Especially during the pandemic, people are gravitating towards this cabbage post.

Here’s my even more streamlined version of this recipe. Of course you can still add miso and the hot peppers, if you have them. A simple sauté brings out the natural sweetness in the cabbage.

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Three Vegetarian Things: Tillie’s, iPho & Hungry Hippie

Curry Grain Bowl with Tempeh from Tillie’s Farmhouse (St. Paul, MN)

We didn’t visit Tillie’s because we never make it past Stewart’s.

The last time I visited Tillie’s was was decades ago when it was Trotter’s.

Back in high school, we went to Trotter’s during finals week. We felt very grown-up piling into someone’s car and driving across the river into St. Paul to lunch. I never ordered anything fancier than a turkey sandwich, but it was the best turkey sandwich I ever had. Fresh grainy bread, sprouts, and mayo, which I had previously thought I hated. It just seemed so special.

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Trying the Beyond Burger

My fake meat bar is set low.

With the exception of mock duck and tofu, my criteria for fake meat products is “Does this taste gross?” No?! Then I guess I like you, I think.

Jake recently got a charcoal grill. We’ve been having a lot of fun grilling on the weekends. He chose an assortment of turkey burgers and brats from Costco. I decided to try grilling Beyond Burgers, a hyped-up vegetarian meat substitute free from soy or gluten and high in protein.

Dietician Abby Langer wrote a recent post about Beyond Meat that caught my eye. She discusses whether or not it’s a “healthy” choice and examines the ingredients, some of which include pea protein, canola oil, coconut oil, rice protein, mung bean protein and methylcellulose (a soluble fiber).

The closest grocery store to us that sells them is Lunds & Byerlys. I knew this product cost more than real meat, but was a little taken a back at the price – inside of the package ($5.99) which I would normally expect to contain a pound of ground beef held two little patties.

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Good and Bad Veggie Burgers: Brasa’s Veggie Burger Is Good

Within 24 hours I had consumed one of the best and worst veggie burgers of my life. It felt disorienting.

The low, a veggie burger from a speciality butcher shop, was fortunately followed by the high, ironically, also from a meat-centric place.

The Impossible Burger has taken over menus everywhere. To be honest I haven’t even  tried one. Ever since I read that it “bleeds” I’ve avoided it. It’s also pricey and I’d rather just enjoy a house-made veggie burger than a meat substitute.

While I can’t say I’m a vegetarian, I’ve become more of a flexitarian. I typically eat more meatless meals than carnivorous. But, if someone offers me food, I’ll gratefully accept it either way. This means I’m seeking more veggie burgers than before.

The good veggie burgers are really, really and the bad ones are horrifically dismal. You never know what you’re gonna get when you order one.

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Making Kimchi Pancakes On The Griddle

“Can we eat more kimchi?” Jake asked the other week.

Of course!

Growing-up as an adopted Korean in the southern suburbs of Minneapolis-St. Paul, I was introduced to kimchi at Korean Culture Camp. We ate kimchi during every lunch and I never gave a second thought to liking it. My family did not like kimchi, but was always willing to buy a jar from Cub Foods when I requested it.  Now, kimchi & gochujang are all the rage. A lot of us already knew how awesome Korean food is but I can’t complain the cuisine is increasing in popularity.

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