Tag: Sandwich (Page 1 of 3)

The Sandwiches At Brianno’s Are Still Good

Sometimes you eat things for nostalgia’s sake even though they’re not very good. But, sometimes they’re as good as you remember.

This tweet caught  my eye this week:

It’s true. Or. . . did our Subway sandwiches actually choose us?

I’ve always alternated between the Veggie Delite and Spicy Italian.  Jake’s favorite is still the Spicy Italian. This felt like a very fancy sandwich back then.

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A Few Things I Like: Mid-December Edition

It took a global pandemic to mail out Christmas cards.

We’ve never sent them in my life – I have friends who send Christmas cards and I have what I call Christmas card friends – friends who I’ve barely spoken with in years but send a Christmas card every year.

This year, I too, am a Christmas card friend.

Only during a pandemic have I found organizing and writing Christmas cards after work fun . . . a relief, even.

First things first, LOOK AT THIS MUG. 

For some reason, you haven’t seen Schitt’s Creek, watch it now.

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Eating & Drinking Stuff From Drive-Throughs

The real winners of this pandemic are drive-throughs.

I used to hate the Starbucks drive-through on Marshall and Snelling. I loathed it.

Every time I would drive by the notorious carbucks I would curse the people blocking the street and bike lane with their cars. The traffic in and out of the Starbucks is so bad that an officer actually directs traffic at the entrance/exit.

For those of you who don’t live in the city, there’s just not much room for drive throughs. Space is limited. That’s not to say there aren’t drive-throughs. There just aren’t many and they aren’t usually perched on tiny corners of the busiest intersections.

I hated the carbucks until the pandemic. Now I love carbucks.

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Thoughts On Crashing & How To Make My Favorite Breakfast Sandwiches

This has nothing to do with breakfast sandwiches, but I just really want to say that I am kind of into HBO’s Crashing.

The main character Pete (real life comedian Pete Holmes)  is an aspiring stand-up comic pursuing his dream and crashing on famous comedian’s couches, post separation. He’s not quite sure how to function on his own and support himself financially. Both Pete and his ex-spouse come from a conservative Christian background, and, for the first time, they’re both trying to figure out who they are and what they believe. It’s funny and so heartfelt. The push and pull between both spectrums are treated with surprising compassion.

I can relate to pieces of Pete’s background and floundering around one’s 30’s.

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Happy Hour In A Haunted Mansion: Forepaugh’s

I love going to haunted places, but I never ever ever want to find a ghost.

Haunted places are old and interesting. They’re cloaked in storytelling and steeped in history. I especially love visiting haunted dining/drinking establishments because you don’t just wander through; you get to pull up a seat and eat.

Forepaugh’s is 147 years old. The mansion is tucked into a quiet stretch of West 7th near the river. Jake and I have driven along West 7th a million times and somehow never saw Forepaugh’s. I’m not sure how, because the mansion in all of its glory looms on the peaceful, grassy lot.

Since 1870 the sign says. 

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