We hadn’t visited Tommie’s Pizza yet, only because we live a couple blocks from a pizzeria.
Ordering pizza on Fridays just feels right. After a glass of wine, I usually trudge down the sidewalk and pick up our order through the snow or sunshine.
This City Pages article reminded me that Tommie’s is not very far. Tommie’s is located across from Macalester College on Selby, serving NY Style pizza since 2018.
In this MN Spokesman-Recorder interview, owner Tommy mentions that he opened this pizzeria without outside funding, fully supported by his family after 30 years working in the food industry.
Ordering is easy – call ahead or order online for pick-up or delivery. You can also buy pizza by the slice here.
While we liked the pizza (we ordered a pepperoni and banana pepper pizza and Very Veggie pizza), the grilled wings were a surprise favorite. Flavors include plain, garlic-parmesan, Selby, jerk, BBQ, and buffalo in increments of 6, 10, or 20.
I like plain old buffalo wings made with the Frank’s hot sauce, but the buffalo wing sauce at Tommy’s tastes homemade. It’s spicier and more complex than typical buffalo wing sauce.
And the wings are delightfully charred from the grill with tender meat and flavorful, rendered skin. I would come back and order my own box of 10.
Tommie’s also has a reputation for their hospitality which is obvious when you visit or call.
1556 Selby Ave
St Paul, MN 55104
Phone: 651-432-4743
A note: There is no neutral on Black lives mattering. We can and should be better allies. Below is a small list of organizations in the Twin Cities supporting Black communities, rebuilding efforts, and more. This is, by no means, comprehensive. There are so many resources and lists available on additional reading, volunteering and giving opportunities all over the internet.
Northside Funders Group in Partnership With West Broadway Business & Area Commission: Donations support North Minneapolis businesses.
Redeemer Center for Life: A non-profit located in the Harrison neighborhood of North Minneapolis that provides affordable housing, youth programs, employment, community meals, health services, art opportunities, Venture North coffee shop and bike shop.
Black Visions Collective: Developing Black leadership in MN, efforts and campaigns for transformative justice and creating “conditions for long term success and transformation.”
Midway United: Donations support nonprofits and business to rebuild in the Union park and Midway-Midway neighborhoods.
We Love Lake Street: Donations support Lake Street rebuilding efforts for businesses and nonprofits.
Family Tree Clinic: Provides affordable, affirming, respectful reproductive healthcare, resources, and education to all people.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church In The Midway: A local church coordinating a massive food and resource effort in Midway seeking donations and volunteers each day – check this Facebook page for daily updates on needs.
Pimento Jamaican Kitchen: Has been coordinating relief services. I would recommend checking their social media sites for updates on what’s needed. Or, order take-out because their food is really good!
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