I Tried The AtmosFlare 3D Drawing Pen #Sponsored

I received this sponsored opportunity to try the new AtmosFlare 3D Drawing Pen through the Missouri Women Bloggers and RedwoodVentures.

Here at Jeni Eats, I don’t pursue a lot of sponsored content. However, I’m open to opportunities if they seem like they’d be a good fit, offer travel opportunities, or pique my curiosity. This post falls in the latter.

Soon after moving to St. Louis, I joined the Missouri Women Bloggers group. I’ve connected with some friendly bloggers and received opportunities to apply for some local travel and networking opportunities. When I saw the coordinators mention trying this new 3D Pen, I threw my hat into the ring. 3D printing is a fascinating concept and I wanted to see what it was like to use a 3D pen.

One thing that you should know about me is that I can cook but I can’t draw. My creative abilities really excel in the kitchen but don’t come as naturally when making crafts or drawing pictures. I’m really good at making abstract art. Creating things that actually look like things is much more challenging.

My goal with this post was to try something new and learn more about what 3D printing or drawing actually looks like.

We received instructions via email. The assembly process involved inserting one AA battery and learning how to pop-in the ink cartridge.

Atmosflare’s instructions emphasized that it’s important NOT to look directly into the lights near the tip or shine them in anyone else’s eyes. The ink is thick and sticky. If the ink dries inside the tip, it will become firm. Therefore, it’s important to make sure the cap is on between uses. There’s a little pin inside the cap. If a pen tip clogs, simply poke it with the cap or use the end of a paper clip.

I began my drawings on file folders and cardboard. After experimenting, I quickly learned that if I drew too quickly, the ink didn’t get a chance to harden. This was my first attempt at making a flower using both colors of ink. Switching ink cartridges is easy but takes a couple of minutes. Adding more lines is easy as long as the ink is firm.

File_000 (37)

If you like abstract flowers, I’m totally your gal. I’m in awe of the flower and cube that the The Four-Crow’s‘ daughter created with this pen, though. I’m sure I could create something more complex with practice and patience.

The most challenging part about using this pen is figuring out how to apply even pressure to the ink cartridge while drawing and discerning which speed works best to draw the lines. If you draw too quickly, the lines won’t harden and if you draw too slowly, the ink might harden inside the tip.


Overall, I had fun experimenting with the pen. I’d recommend this product for people interested in exploring 3D art and older children who can follow the safety guidelines (don’t consume the ink or shine the light into eyes) and won’t give up right away, as it does take practice to get a desired result.


    • If you decide to purchase this pen, I suggest you watch at least one video. I wish I had found The Four Crow’s instructional video before I started.
    • This is generally a food blog so I should add that the pen and ink are not edible;) You can draw food but you can not eat it.
    • Drawing with pen and paper and drawing with a 3D pen are completely different. This type of ink is delicate and can’t be rushed.
    • While using the pen, the light reflecting from the end of the pen tip struck me as very bright. In general, my eyes are sensitive to light and so I don’t know if this observation is specific to me.
    • Cover your work space before you draw. The ink has a sticky texture and I’m not sure how easily you can wash it from clothes or carpet.I had no problems washing it from my hands.

RedwoodVentures is taking pre-orders for this product for $29.99 + S &H. It comes with the pen and two ink cartridges: One red and one blue. Customers provide their own AA battery.

RedwoodVentures communicated that the pens will arrive at their warehouse February 11th, 2016 and will be ready to ship soon after. RedWoodVentures also noted that, although they are not listed online quite yet, refill ink cartridges will soon be available for $5.99 + S & H.

Thank you to the Missouri Women Bloggers and Atmosflare for sponsoring this post and allowing me to try doodling with this 3D pen. 

AtmosFlare Contact Info

1(855) 876-8124 / Twitter / Instagram / Facebook 


  1. Beth Ann Chiles

    I love it!!! I might put this on my wish list. You did a great job!!!

  2. Donna Hup

    Very cool!! Now I need one. Oh and I’m super glad you told me not to eat food I draw with it 😉

  3. ShaRhonda

    Your flower and video totally rocked. I showed Miss K as well. We all will be 3D art experts before we know it!

  4. Val - Corn, Beans, Pigs and Kids

    I think this is so neat! And really, the pen is reasonably priced too. I think any techy or person general interested in 3D printing would love giving it a try! Nice job on your abstract flowers!

  5. Casandra Kelly

    My daughter just bought one and is having a little trouble getting used to it so your assessment and guidance helped thank you

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